The Magazine came to live in early 1700s during the outbreak of the World War. During those times, it is used as a support for politics, government, criticisms and information that aims to be affirmed or contradicted either through the release of researches or study results. After gaining the freedom, various companies got the idea on starting a magazine publishing business that would evolve in different aspects of life. People started buying these magazines with the goal of keeping themselves updated with their environment and to expand their knowledge. That was successful.
Today, Magazine is probably the number one source of information readily available for everyone. Its readers range from kids to students and to executives. There are actually two types of Magazines. One of these is the consumer magazines that are widely available in the country. The other one is the business magazine that can be availed on a subscription basis. Both magazines usually come in a weekly, monthly, or quarterly release with up to date contents.
For a kid, reading magazines with graphical representations like comics is a good way to start learning. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the early years are a key period for the development of intelligence, personality and behavior of a child.
For students, magazines are good source of information when doing research for school. Since educational magazines have updated content, further reading of it could truly contribute well to their learning.
As for professionals or executives, being the captain of their own journey is really essential. To be constantly updated on workplace and business issues, reading business and other related magazines is important. It gives them not just ideas but awareness on the current issues that are important in their field.
Through the years, magazine has existed with the aim of giving the freshest and accurate information to its readers. Among the famous magazines in the United States include the BusinessWeek for business, American Girl for children, Drovers for agriculture, Sports Illustrated for sports, Cook’s for cooking and recipes, American Baby for parenting, Liberty for politics, Playboy for pornography, Adventist Review for religion, National Geographic for science, WikiMusicGuide for Music Lifestyle and many more.
Reading is indeed, a good way of expanding our knowledge and awareness. There are several reading materials that have great potentials of contributing to our craving mind and magazine is one of them. Choosing our point of interest is definitely endless with magazines.
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